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Commercial Promotion (MARCOM)

Course Description: 

In this course, students learn about basic concepts pertinent to promotion and scientific methods. Students acquire skills that enable them to prepare and design promotional messages in a systematic, scientific and methodological way. In this course, students are also expected to prepare field working papers directly after completion of each topic.

Course Lectures: 
Title Teacher Keywords Date
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #1 Abdallah Samara Affect behavior, Business commercial, Consitent, Consumer - commercial, Integrated marketing commercial, Introduction to imc, Ovrview of IMC, مقدمة في الاتصال التسويقي Sun, 2010-08-29
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #2 Abdallah Samara affecting behavior, brand equity, building relationships, consumer mind, introduction to promotion, key feature of promotion, التاثير على السوق, بناء العلاقات, خصائص الترويج التجاري, قيمة العلامة التجارية, مقدمة في الترويج Mon, 2010-08-30
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #3 Abdallah Samara brand equity, corporate image, corporate image and brand management, ethical issues, intangible elements, positioning, tangible elements Wed, 2010-09-01
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #4 Abdallah Samara associations, brand equity, brand management, perceived value, ادارة العلامة التجارية Mon, 2010-09-06
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #5 Abdallah Samara brand management, brand recall, constituted, culturally, enchancing brand, leveraging, recognition, unware of brand, ادارة العلامة, استرجاع العلامة, الصورة الذهبية, توابع العلامة, قيمة العلامة Wed, 2010-09-08
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #6 Abdallah Samara brand - naming process, brand adoption, brand naming, Compatibilixy, complexity, facilitating the success of new brands, logos, observability, relative advantages, the VIEW model, ادارك العلامة التجارية, تبني المنتجات, ترميز وتسمية العلامة التجارية, تسهيل نجاح العلامة التجارية, صفات العلامة التجارية Wed, 2010-09-15
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #7 Abdallah Samara attitude sequence, buyer behavior, cognitive, conative, motivation, perceived cost versus benefits, personal value, post purchase evaluation, targeting and positioning Mon, 2010-09-20
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #8 Abdallah Samara attitude sequence, buyer behavior, cognitive, conative, creating meaning, meaning transfer, motivation, perceived cost versus benefits, personal value, positioning beses, post purchase evaluation, targeting and positioning Wed, 2010-09-22
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #9 Abdallah Samara budgeting, hierarchy of effects, marcom, Marcom objectives, اهداف الاتصال التسويقي, ميزانية الترويج, هرمية التاثير Mon, 2010-09-27
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #10 Abdallah Samara ادارة الاعلان, الاعلان, الاعلان الخلاق, الحملة الاعلانية, تخطيط الاعلان, موضوع الرسالة, وكالة الاعلان Wed, 2010-09-29