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Commercial Promotion (MARCOM)

Course Description: 

In this course, students learn about basic concepts pertinent to promotion and scientific methods. Students acquire skills that enable them to prepare and design promotional messages in a systematic, scientific and methodological way. In this course, students are also expected to prepare field working papers directly after completion of each topic.

Course Lectures: 
Title Teacher Keywords Date
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #11 Abdallah Samara ادارة الاعلان, وظائف الاعلان :توفق ،تلائم ، ابداع Mon, 2010-10-04
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #12 Abdallah Samara credibility, effective and creative advertisments messages and appeals, lasting impact, resonance, slogan Mon, 2010-10-11
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #13 Abdallah Samara اثارة الحاجه لدى المستهلك, اثارة الفرص لدى المستهلك, اثارة القدره عند المستهلك, اثارة دافعية المستهلك Wed, 2010-10-13
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #14 Abdallah Samara clay animation, hyperbole, message strategies. generic, preemptive, resonance, testimonials, استراتيجيات الرسالة الاعلامية Wed, 2010-10-20
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #15 Abdallah Samara advertising .media :planing & analysing, media, media-planing process, traditional media, vehicles Mon, 2010-10-25
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #16 Abdallah Samara traditional advertisments media :television newspapers magazines radio, الوسائل التقليدية للاعلان Wed, 2010-10-27
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #17 Abdallah Samara blogs, e-behavioral targeting ads, e-mail ads, e-mail magazines(e-zines), internet ads, mobile phone ads, opt- in e-mailing versus spam, phishing, social networks, video ads, web sites Mon, 2010-11-01
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #18 Abdallah Samara Aerial Ads, Banners, Coverage, In-Store-Media, Irritation, other ads. media, out Door ads, transit ads, Wearout Wed, 2010-11-03
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #19 Abdallah Samara allowances, contests, coupons, discounts, invigorate, promotion target, refunds, sales promotion, short - term oriented, ادوات تنشيط وتحفيز المبيعات Wed, 2010-11-10
Commercial Promotion (MARCOM), Lecture #20 Abdallah Samara green marketing, pollution, public relations, sponsership, sponsership programs, stakeholders Wed, 2010-11-24