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Organizational Behavior

Business Administration
Course Description: 

This course begins with an analysis of organizational behavior and its determinants. Then it moves to study behavioral theories, personality and its nature, concept of perception and trends, values and role of groups and their influence in human behavior. The course also covers administrative processes, organizational behavior and climate, development of change, analysis of innovation and creativity in management.

Course Lectures: 
Title Teacher Keywords Date
Organizational Behavior, Lecture #1 AbdullFattah Shamleh ماهية علم السلوك التنظيمي, مدخل الى السلوك التنظيمي, مزيج السلوك التنظيمي Tue, 2010-08-24
Organizational Behavior, Lecture #2 AbdullFattah Shamleh Organizational behavior theories, الاقطاع, السلوك في مراحل العبودية, السلوك وعلاقته بالنظريات Thu, 2010-08-26
Organizational Behavior, Lecture #3 AbdullFattah Shamleh an integrative view to OB, behavior Determinents, محددات فردية جماعية تنظيمية, نظرة شمولية للمحددات السلوكية Sun, 2010-08-29
Organizational Behavior, Lecture #4 AbdullFattah Shamleh personality, personality as aconcept, personality components, السمات, الشخصية, بناء الشخصية, مفهوم الشخصية Tue, 2010-08-31
Organizational Behavior, Lecture #5 AbdullFattah Shamleh personality trends & development, personality types, تطور الشخصية و انماطها Thu, 2010-09-02
Organizational Behavior, Lecture #6 AbdullFattah Shamleh personality theories and trends, نظريات وانماط الشخصية Sun, 2010-09-05
Organizational Behavior, Lecture #7 AbdullFattah Shamleh defence mechanisms, self defence mechanisms, طرق الدفاع عن الذات Tue, 2010-09-07
Organizational Behavior, Lecture #8 AbdullFattah Shamleh personality trends and organizational functioning, الشخصية والوظائف الادارية, عناصر الشخصية والوظائف الادارية Tue, 2010-09-14
Organizational Behavior, Lecture #9 AbdullFattah Shamleh dealing with certain personality, dealing with personality types, employee behavioral trends, التعامل مع مظاهر سلوكية محددة, الية التعامل مع انماط الشخصية المختلفة, انماط شخصية الموظف Thu, 2010-09-16
Organizational Behavior, Lecture #10 AbdullFattah Shamleh attitudes towards personality trends of others, what i like or dislike in the personality of my friends, الاتجاهات نحو مواصفات شخصية الاخرين, ما ارغب /لا ارغب في مواصفات شخصية زملائي Sun, 2010-09-19