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Contrastive Linguistics

Faculty of Arts
English Department
Course Lectures: 
Title Teacher Keywords Date
Contrastive Linguistics , Lecture #1 Oqab Jabali what is constructive linguistics Mon, 2016-08-29
Contrastive Linguistics , Lecture #1 Ruqqayyah Herzallah Arabic/ English consonantal systems., behaviorism matching, contrastive prediction, Contrastive structural, priori prediction, strong version Wed, 2010-01-27
Contrastive Linguistics , Lecture #2 Oqab Jabali English and Arabic orthography Wed, 2016-08-31
Contrastive Linguistics , Lecture #2 Ruqqayyah Herzallah a diphthong, a monophthong, correspondence, merges, minimal pairs, the arabic & the english sound systems, vowels(english&arabic) contrasts, احرف العلة, اختلافات, الاحرف الصامته, النظام الصوتي في اللهجة العربية الفلسطينية واللغة الانجليزية, اندماج, تشابه، ازواج من الكلمات المتباينة لفظا ومعنى, تماثل, صوت واحد Mon, 2010-02-01
Contrastive Linguistics , Lecture #3 Ruqqayyah Herzallah coalescence, levels of difficulty, overdifferentiation, split, theory and examples from both english and arabic, underdifferentiation, zero level, التراكيب, النحوية, مستويات الصعوبة في مجال اللفظ Wed, 2010-02-03
Contrastive Linguistics , Lecture #3 Oqab Jabali spelling system of Arabic and English Mon, 2016-09-05
Contrastive Linguistics , Lecture #4 Oqab Jabali phonology of Arabic and English Wed, 2016-09-07
Contrastive Linguistics , Lecture #4 Ruqqayyah Herzallah contrastive linguistics : levels of difficulty, differences between arabic & english, indefinate nouns, levels of difficulty, over differentiation: the syntax of relative clauses, relative clauses with or without a relative pronoun, لغويات مقارنة, مستويات الصعوبة Mon, 2010-02-08
Contrastive Linguistics , Lecture #5 Oqab Jabali vowel distinction between Arabic and English Mon, 2016-09-19
Contrastive Linguistics , Lecture #5 Ruqqayyah Herzallah criticism :strong version of contrastive linguistics, markedness theory, roman script, spelling tests, the moderate version, the weak vergion of the cah, UG, النقد للنسخة القوية (الشديدة) Wed, 2010-02-10