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Literature in Egypt and Greater Syria

Faculty of Arts
Course Description: 

A comprehensive analytical study of selected poetry texts from the Fatimid, Ayyubi and Mamluki ages, with emphasis on the study of holy war literature, Sufism poetry, and sectarian literature. The course also includes the study of writing and its subjects, oration and its topics and features, plus the publishing movement in general.

Course Lectures: 
Title Teacher Keywords Date
Literature in Egypt and Greater Syria, Lecture #1 Raed Abdel-Raheem الاسماء التي اطلقت على العصور المتاخرة Tue, 2011-09-06
Literature in Egypt and Greater Syria, Lecture #2 Raed Abdel-Raheem الحدود الزمانية والمكانية لدول العصور المتأخرة, الدولة الفاطمية Thu, 2011-09-08
Literature in Egypt and Greater Syria, Lecture #3 Raed Abdel-Raheem الدولة الفاطمية, الفكر الفاطمي Sun, 2011-09-11
Literature in Egypt and Greater Syria, Lecture #4 Raed Abdel-Raheem نبذة عن الدول الزنكية و الايوبية Tue, 2011-09-13
Literature in Egypt and Greater Syria, Lecture #5 Raed Abdel-Raheem الدولة المملوكية, فيلم قصير عن العصور المتاخرة Thu, 2011-09-15
Literature in Egypt and Greater Syria, Lecture #6 Raed Abdel-Raheem ادب الرحلات في العصور المتاخرة Sun, 2011-09-18
Literature in Egypt and Greater Syria, Lecture #7 Raed Abdel-Raheem خصائص ادب الرحلات Tue, 2011-09-20
Literature in Egypt and Greater Syria, Lecture #8 Raed Abdel-Raheem رحلة عبد اللطيف البغدادي Thu, 2011-09-22
Literature in Egypt and Greater Syria, Lecture #9 Raed Abdel-Raheem ادب الرحلات, رحلة ابن بطوطة, رحلة ابن جبير Sun, 2011-09-25
Literature in Egypt and Greater Syria, Lecture #10 Raed Abdel-Raheem ادب السيرة الذاتية Tue, 2011-09-27