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General Biology(2)

Faculty of Science
Course Lectures: 
Title Teacher Keywords Date
General Biology(2), Lecture #11 Sabri M.Naser Acid-growth hypothesis, Anti-aging hormone, Apical dominance, Cell elongation, Induction.., Phototropism, Reception, Seed dormancy, Seed germination, Signal-transduction pathway, Transduction Thu, 2010-06-17
General Biology(2), Lecture #12 Sabri M.Naser Circadian rhythm, Gravitropism, Photoperiod, Phytochromes., Sleep movements, Thigmotropism Thu, 2010-06-17
General Biology(2), Lecture #13 Sabri M.Naser Connective tissue, Epithelial tissue, Muscle tissue, Nervous tissue Sun, 2010-06-20
General Biology(2), Lecture #14 Sabri M.Naser Adipose C.T., Blood C.T., Bone C.T., Cartilage C.T., Dense Fibrous C.T., Loose (areolar) C.T., Nervous tissue Mon, 2010-06-21
General Biology(2), Lecture #15 Sabri M.Naser Cardiac muscle, eedback, Homeostasis, Negative, Positive feedback, Skeletal muscle, Smooth muscle Tue, 2010-06-22
General Biology(2), Lecture #16 Sabri M.Naser Bulk feeders., carnivores, Deposite, Essential nutrients, feeders, Fluid feeders, Herbivores, Malnourishment, Omnivores, Overnourishment, Substrate feeders, Suspension feeders Wed, 2010-06-23
General Biology(2), Lecture #17 Sabri M.Naser Esophagus, Extracellular digestion, Food bolus, Gall bladder, Intracellular digestion, Liver, Pancreas, Peristalsis, Pharynx, Salivary glands, Stomach Thu, 2010-06-24
General Biology(2), Lecture #18 Sabri M.Naser Acid chime, Bile, Chief cells, Gastrin hormone, Intestinal villus, Parietal cells, Pepsinogen Thu, 2010-06-24
General Biology(2), Lecture #19 Sabri M.Naser Cholecystokinin hormone, Chylomicrons., Digestion in small intestine, Enterogastrone hormone, Enzymatic hydrolysis, Gastrin hormone, Secretin hormone Sun, 2010-06-27
General Biology(2), Lecture #20 Sabri M.Naser Alimentary canal., appendix, cecum, Colon, Symbiotic relationship, Water absorption Sun, 2010-06-27