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The principles of macroeconomic

Course Lectures: 
Title Teacher Keywords Date
The principles of macroeconomic, Lecture #11 Abdel - Fattah Abu Shokor actual investment, aggregate expenditure and equilibrium output, aggregate income, aggregate output, consumption function, equilirium, multiplier, planned aggregate expenditure, planned investment Tue, 2010-02-16
The principles of macroeconomic, Lecture #12 Abdel - Fattah Abu Shokor aggregate expenditure and equilibrium output, equilibrium, exogenous variable, identity, planned aggregate expenditure(AE), planned investment Thu, 2010-02-18
The principles of macroeconomic, Lecture #13 Abdel - Fattah Abu Shokor marginal propensity to save exogenous variable, multiplier, the government fiscal policy, the multiplier Sun, 2010-02-21
The principles of macroeconomic, Lecture #14 Abdel - Fattah Abu Shokor automatic stabilizers, balance - badget multiplier, budget deficit, cyclical deficit, equilibrium in an economy with a government, the government and fiscal policy Tue, 2010-02-23
The principles of macroeconomic, Lecture #15 Abdel - Fattah Abu Shokor balanced budget multiplier, government multiplier, tax multiplier, the government and fiscal policy Sun, 2010-02-28
The principles of macroeconomic, Lecture #16 Abdel - Fattah Abu Shokor balanced budget multiplier, equilibrium in an economy with a government : Y=C+I+G, government multiplier, government& budget deficit, tax multiplier, the government and fiscal policy Thu, 2010-03-04
The principles of macroeconomic, Lecture #17 Abdel - Fattah Abu Shokor barter, conmodity monies, excess reserves, financial intermediaries, legal render, the money supply Sun, 2010-03-07
The principles of macroeconomic, Lecture #18 Abdel - Fattah Abu Shokor barter, broad money, commodity money, currency debasement, discount rate, excess reserves, medium of exchange, money multiplier, or means of payment, the money supply and federal reserve system (central banks ) Sun, 2010-03-14
The principles of macroeconomic, Lecture #19 Abdel - Fattah Abu Shokor open market desk, open market operation, required reserve ratios, the money supply and the federal reserve system Mon, 2010-03-15
The principles of macroeconomic, Lecture #20 Abdel - Fattah Abu Shokor easy monetary policy interest, light money policy, Money Demand and the equilibrium interest rate, monsynchronization of income and spending, speculation motive, transaction motive Tue, 2010-03-16